Our Services

System Optimization for Core Chemical Industries

We provide comprehensive system optimization services to enhance the efficiency and performance of your processes. Our team of experts uses advanced techniques to identify and implement improvements that maximize productivity and minimize costs.

Patent-Worthy Chemical Formula Development

Our chemical formula development services are designed to create innovative solutions tailored to your specific needs. We work closely with you to develop new chemical formulations that meet your requirements and drive your business forward.

Chemical Formula Modulations

We offer chemical formula modulation services to adjust and refine existing formulations. Our goal is to optimize the performance and stability of your products, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.

Testing Services

No. Instrument/Service Universities, Institutes, Consultation, National & State Govt. R&D Laboratories (INR)* Industries (INR)*
1 LC-MS - ESI-MS 1500/- 3000/-
LC-MS - ESI-HRMS 3000/- 5000/-
2 FE-SEM 1500/- 7500/-
3 AFM 1500/- 7500/-
4 DLS Particle Size 1125/- 2250/-
Zeta Potential 2000/- 3000/-
5 1H NMR 750/- 3750/-
13C NMR (With Solvent CdCl3) 1200/- 4800/-
1H NMR (D2O exchange) 750/- 3750/-
6 POWDER XRD/Thin film XRD/Variable temperature XRD 900/- 4500/-
7 CD (400/- per hour, 3200/- for 8 hours) 400/- per hour 3200/- for 8 hours
CD (1200/- per hour, 3600/- for 8 hours) 1200/- per hour 3600/- for 8 hours
8 ICP-MS/OES† 1500/- for up to five elements per sample.
Rs. 300/- per extra element
3000/- for up to five elements per sample.
Rs. 600/- per extra element
9 CONFOCAL MICROSCOPE - Live Cell Imaging 3450/- per sample 6900/- per sample
CONFOCAL MICROSCOPE - Fixed Sample cell 2250/- per sample 4500/- per sample
10 MALDI-TOF** - Intact Protein Molecular Weight Only 600/- per sample 1200/- per sample
MALDI-TOF** - Peptide Mass Fingerprint (PMF) Only MS 900/- per sample 1800/- per sample
MALDI-TOF** - Peptide Mass Fingerprint (PMF) MS/MS 1800/- per sample 3600/- per sample
11 Unit cell determination 2400/- per Measurement 4800/- per Measurement
Data collection at Room Temperature 5100/- per Measurement 10200/- per Measurement
Structure solution at Room Temperature 7500/- per Measurement 15000/- per Measurement
Data collection at Low temperature 10500/- per Measurement 21000/- per Measurement
Structure solution at Low temperature 13500/- per Measurement 27000/- per Measurement
12 Transmission Electron Microscope 7500/- per hour 20000/- per hour
13 Thin Film XRD 1500/- per sample 7500/- per sample
X-ray Reflectivity 1500/- per sample 7500/- per sample
Residual Stress Measurement 2000/- per sample 10000/- per sample
GISAXS in 2D 2500/- per sample 12500/- per sample
WAXS in 2D 2500/- per sample 12500/- per sample
High temperature thin film XRD
(depending on range of temperature)
2500/- per hour 12500/- per hour
14 Analytical SEM 2500/- per hour 10000/- per hour
15 Flow Cytometer 2500/- per sample 6000/- per sample
16 Bio-AFM 2500/- per sample 5000/- per sample

*All charges are on per sample basis unless specified otherwise.

†Industries falling under MSME category are eligible for a 50% discount on analysis charges if they attach the MSME certificate along with the form.

**Charges for MALDI-TOF do not include sample processing such as gel extraction, enzymatic digestion, or desalting. No clean-up will be done at IITGN.